Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Mustaches, Butts, and Freddy Krueger

It's been a while since I have updated this blog, so I thought I'd share a few funnies from last week that never made their way to Facebook.

Girl 1: "Teacher, can I go wash my arm?" (It was covered in marker drawings. Without bothering to pay attention to what the drawings were of, I nodded my head. When the girl returned, I heard giggling, then her explanation to those sitting next to her):
"She wrote "butt" on my arm. She LITERALLY wrote "BUTT" on my ARM!"
Literally, folks. It was a travesty. I about died laughing.

A few days ago, a student wrote on the board: "Rainbows + Ponies = Miss Jardine"
Me: "Does that mean that I'm really nice?"
Her: "Yep!... And you have a tail!"
Someone please explain that one to me... Haha.

Several weeks ago, a kid came up to me: "Teacher, I'm growing a mustache, look!" Nope, 3rd grader... Nothing. Not even blonde little hairs. But I smiled, congratulated him, and got back to what I was doing.
Same 3rd grader, later that day: "Teacher, I'm related to Freddy Krueger."
Me: "Oh, yeah?"
Him: "Yeah, he's my cousin. I don't get to see him that much. Usually just at my nana's."
Later that day (whining): "Teacher, he's saying that I'm not related to Freddy Krueger!" At which point I sympathized, and we moved on.

Today, that same kid comes up to me:
"Teacher, I realized how I'm related to Freddy Krueger!"
Me: "Oh yeah? How?"
Him: "My dad's name is Michael Myers!"
It's only funny because it's true. However, I don't think he realizes that the two are not actually connected. Hahaha!

I am so glad that my job has it's share of laughing moments, because if it didn't I would not be surviving this school year.

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