Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Life Plan

On Monday (Jan. 6th), as I was doing observations for my English Second Language (ESL) endorsement, the teacher was talking about college. One of the 4th grade boys shouted out: "I don't want to go to college. I'm gonna stay home with mom and dad."
Teacher: "You are? Do you never want to get married and have children either?"
The kid thinks for a second, and then finally replies: "Well... I can adopt them."

I couldn't help it. I laughed pretty hard.

This sounds like a grand life plan to me. I think I'll just keep living at home forever. Who cares about marriage? I can still have a family through adoption and we can all live happily in my parents' house, right..? Oh, I love what goes on in the minds of children. :)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Miss Jedi?

Today I was doing some observations in a 4th grade class at another school for my English Second Language (ESL) endorsement. One of the other 4th grade teachers introduced me to her class and I told them that my name was Miss Jardine (long "i" sound in Jardine). Some of the boys started giggling, and one of them goes: "Miss Jedi?"

The best part is that their  teacher encouraged them to actually call me that, and told them how much I would undoubtedly enjoy it. I would probably really embrace it if I were a bit more of a Star Wars fan, but I still thought it was cute and they could not stop giggling! But for future reference... that's Miss Jedi to you! ;)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Fraudulance, New Girlfriends, & the Bad S-Word

I wanted to start a blog purely for recording the hilarious things that children say to me. I don't know if anyone else will get as much enjoyment out of it as I will, but I thought that I would share anyway. :) There are many, many more, but these are the few that I have written down. Hopefully I will get better at writing them down this way.

S: "_______, You're a fraud!"
Rest of class: "What? Why is he a frog?"

S: "Miss Jardine, is this your first year of teaching?"
Me: "Yes."
S: "Are you going to teach again next year?"
Me: "Hopefully."
S: "Dangit!"
Me (confused): "Why? Do you want to be my only students ever?"
S: "Yeah, I want to be your best student ever!"
S2: "Wait, what?"

S: "Miss Jardine, I got a new girlfriend yesterday."
Me: Oh yeah? Who?"
S: "You."
Me: "Oh, really? When did that happen?"
S: "Yesterday...."

S1: "He called me the S-word, but, like... the bad one!"
S2: (Gasp!) "S-E-X-I?"
S1: "Yeah, it was gross!"

And this is just a small sample. Welcome to the incredibly entertaining world of 3rd grade! :)